August 2021: Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award: Awarded by Marquis Who's Who
January 2020: Hind Rattan Award (translates to ‘Jewel of India’): Awarded by the Non-Resident Indian Welfare Society of India, New Delhi, India.
January, 2013: Outstanding Paper Award: Awarded by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research for the paper published in Science Magazine in 2010.
November, 2010: Faculty Graduate Research Mentor of the Year: Awarded by the College of Natural and Health Sciences, UNC
June 2010: Council on Undergraduate Research Biology Mentor Award (Assistant Professor level): Awarded by the Council on Undergraduate Research, Washington, DC.
March 2007: Academic Recognition Award (for teaching): Awarded by the Housing and Residential Life, UNC
February 2007: Faculty Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year : Awarded by the College of Natural and Health Sciences, UNC
June, 2006: A National Science Foundation funded fellowship was awarded by The Institute of Genomics Research (now known as J. Craig Venter Research Institute) to attend The Rice Genome Annotation Workshop (June 25-30, 2006) at The Institute of Genomics Research (TIGR), Beltsville, Maryland.
May, 2003- August, 2005: Post Doctoral Fellowship: Department of Plant Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
August, 2002- May, 2003: University of Rhode Island Graduate Fellowship (Award value: Full tuition and fee waiver plus monthly stipend): Awarded by the Associate Dean of the Graduate School (Awards are given ‘in recognition of achievement and promise as scholars’), University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island.
April, 2002: Student Travel Award for Excellent Student Presentation ($500.00): Awarded by the Society for In Vitro Biology, Largo, Maryland (Awards are given to students ‘who have contributed and made outstanding achievements in the field of in vitro biology’) to attend 2002 Congress of In Vitro Biology (Annual Meeting of Society for In Vitro Biology), Orlando, Florida, June 25-29, 2002.
December, 2001: International Association for Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology (IAPTC and B) Fellowship (Approximate award value $1200.00): Awarded by IAPTC and B, Gainesville, Florida to attend 10th International Congress of the International Association for Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, Orlando, Florida, June 23-28, 2002.
May, 2000- August, 2000: Corporate Graduate Student Fellowship Award ($12,700.00) titled ‘Genetic Modification of Turfgrass’ (this award supported the Ph.D. dissertation research). Awarded by AgriBiotech Inc. (Now known as HybriGene L.L.C.), West Kingston, Rhode Island.
January, 2000: Travel Grant Award ($2000.00) (to attend the 3rd. International Crop Science Congress in Hamburg, Germany, August, 2000): Awarded by the Crop Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin.
August, 1999- May, 2002: Graduate Research Assistantship: Dept. of Plant Sciences, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island.
January, 1997-June, 1998: Graduate Research Assistantship: Dept. of Plant Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana.
Fall, 1996: Graduate Research Assistantship: Dept. of Zoology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995: University Merit Scholarship: Awarded by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, Government of India.
1989 and 1991: National Scholarship: Awarded by the Government of India.
November, 2001: Travel Grant Award (500 British Pounds) (to attend the Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology in Swansea, Wales, U.K. in April, 2002): Awarded by the Society for Experimental Biology and the Company of Biologists, London, U.K.
August, 2000: Financial Assistance for Students by the 3rd International Crop Science Congress Committee, Hamburg, Germany.